

首頁 » 天帝教教訊第124期 » 聖母瑪麗亞指示此次美國宏教之行是一非常重要轉捩點

 1994-05-25 09:40

Mother Maria:

  An important task is undertaking in the non-physical realm for the treaching of T’ienti Teachings in the U.S.A. Many people including Chinese and Americans are impelled to convert in T’ienti Teachings through miracles on them. This time is a critical turning point for T’ienti Teachings’ dissemination in the U.S.A. For the last six years, the functions of the church in L.A.were not developed very throughly.The instructor is responsible for it. It should be considered that not only Chinese but also Americans should become our fellow-strivers.Heavenly Lord will arrange some people who have affinity with T’ienti Teachings to move the dissemination. November in Japan, the whole schedule will follow what the training group has arranged.

  Please don’t worry, Master Emissary everything will be set in advance.


  有關美國宏教一案,無形中已在執行此一重要任務,將有許多華人及美國人經由顯化而皈依天帝教。此次美國宏教之行是一非常重要之轉捩點。因過去六年來,洛杉磯初院並無徹底發揮其功能,開導師對此應負其責。有一點必須注意的是:不僅要使華人,也要使美國人成為同奮。 上帝會安排與帝教有緣者來推動宏教。


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